>> H O M E
>> P R E S E N T A T I O N
>> P R A C T I C E   A R E A S
>> T E A M
>> R A T E S
>> N E W S
>> C O N T A C T
Van Hoorebeke BVBA


> KAREL VAN HOOREBEKE (karel.vanhoorebeke@vanhoorebeke.be)

  • Mr. Karel Van Hoorebeke studies:
    Master's Degree in Law (University of Ghent)
    Master's Degree in Marine Law (University of Brussels)
  • career:
    Called to the Bar Association of Ghent in 1974
    Founder of the Law Firm Van Hoorebeke Advocaten
    Ghent City Councillor (1987-1992)
    Member of the Belgian Federal Parliament (1995-2003)
    Honorary Consul of the Republic of Belarus with jurisdiction over the Flemish Region (2009-)
  • memberships:
    Board member of the Association of Ghent Seaport Companies (VEGHO)
    Member of the Eastern Flanders Chamber of Commerce
    Member of the Flemish Institute for Marine Law
    Member of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus
    Member of the International Club of Flanders
  • publications:
    The Statute of the Canal Ghent-Terneuzen - "Het Statuut van het kanaal Gent-Terneuzen", R.W. (legal journal) 1981-1982, 2711-2740
  • practice areas:
    Commercial Disputes and Contracts
    Corporate Law and M&A
    Marine and Transport law

> REBECCA DENYS (rebecca.denys@vanhoorebeke.be)
  • Mr. Rebecca Denysstudies:
    Master's Degree in Law (University of Ghent)
  • career:
    Called to the Bar Association of Ghent in 2000
    Partner at the Law Firm Van Hoorebeke Advocaten since 2008
  • practice areas:
    Public Law, Public Procurement, Construction Law
    Real Estate
    Labour Law and Social Security Law

> FRANK VERHAEGEN (frank.verhaegen@vanhoorebeke.be)
  • Mr. Frank Verhaegenstudies:
    Master's Degree in Law (University of Ghent)
    Post-graduate in Corporate Law (VPOO-VLEKHO Bruges)
    Master in Business Law (University of Antwerp)
  • career:
    Called to the Bar Association of Ghent in 2001
    Partner at the Law Firm Van Hoorebeke Advocaten since 2008
  • practice areas:
    Commercial Disputes and Contracts
    Corporate Law and M&A
    Tax Law and Tax Litigation

> JEROOM JOOS (jeroom.joos@vanhoorebeke.be)
  • Mr. Jeroom Joos studies:
    Master's Degree in Law (University of Ghent)
    Master's Degree in Marine Sciences (University of Ghent-Antwerp)
  • career:
    Called to the Bar Association of Ghent in 2005
    Partner at the Law Firm Van Hoorebeke Advocaten since 2013
  • practice areas:
    Marine and Transport Law
    European Union Law



> NANCY GYSSELS (nancy.gyssels@vanhoorebeke.be)
  • Administrative Assistant since 2011.

Van Hoorebeke BVBA