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Van Hoorebeke BVBA

The Law Firm Van Hoorebeke Advocaten
Coupure Rechts 162, B-9000 Ghent
Tel.: +32 (0)9 265 95 95 | Fax: +32 (0)9 265 95 90
e-mail: advocaten.law@vanhoorebeke.be
url: www.vanhoorebeke.be

> consultations by appointment

> parking in the Coupure
   or in an underground parking lot

Office Belarus
220020, Minsk, Av. Probediteley, 103, room 18, 10th Floor
p/a: 220020, Minsk, P.O. box 41
tel./fax.: +375 17 2364 067
mob.: +375 44 5507 518
e-mail: advocaten.law@vanhoorebeke.be
url: www.vanhoorebeke.by


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Van Hoorebeke BVBA