>> P R E S E N T A T I O N
>> P R A C T I C E A R E A S
>> T E A M
>> R A T E S
>> N E W S
>> C O N T A C T
The Law Firm Van Hoorebeke Advocaten uses a transparent policy for setting its rates.
Before opening the file, we will explain to the client precisely and in detail how our rates are applied. Through a system of detailed interim and final statements, the client is given an accurate picture of the costs and fees connected to handling case. We may also request a retaining fee to cover foreseeable costs and services.
In general, our lawyers' fees are set based on the number of hours worked on the file. In some cases, we will charge a fixed fee for a case or work on the case on the basis of a subscription system.
Below is an overview of the basic fees of the law offices (basic rates for 2008), which can be adjusted according to one or more of the following:
- the importance of the case;
- the complexity of the case;
- the financial means of the client;
- the degree of specialisation;
- the urgent nature;
- the result.
- Mr. Karel Van Hoorebeke: 160,00 EUR/hr
- Mr. Rebecca Denys, Mr. Frank Verhaegen, Mr. Jeroom Joos: 125,00 EUR/hr
- Mr. Thomas Cochez: 100,00 EUR/hr
- Travel time: 45,00 EUR/hr
- Letters, faxes and e-mails that are for information only will be charged based on a standard duration of 5 minutes. Other letters, faxes and e-mails will be charged based on the actual duration.
Secretarial and Administrative Costs
- Opening file: fixed rate 40.00 EUR
- Correspondence:
- letters and faxes 10.00 EUR/page
- e-mail 3.50 EUR/e-mail
- recorded delivery and express delivery costs will be charged separately - Drawing up a subpoena, a petition, a contract, arguments, and so forth: 10.00 EUR/page
- Photocopies: 0.25 EUR/page
- Telephone and fax: 10.00 EUR fixed rate
Travel costs
- Travel with car: 0.50 EUR/km
- Flights, hotel/accommodation costs: payable based on receipts
Procedure Costs
- Process server costs, fees for entry of petitions in cause list, transcripts/copies, and so on will be listed on the statement of costs and charged to the client.
Other Costs
- The invoices or similar documents from translators, (public) accountants, consultants and foreign law offices will be in the name of the client and settled by the client directly with the service provider, unless other arrangements are made.